“O Holy Night” CD released just one year since the first CD “How Great Thou Art” both of which were recorded as a fundraiser to help raise funds for the restoration and renovation of her local church of SS Peter & Paul, Bessbrook.
Kathleen is joined in her Christmas CD by members of the church choir with youngest member Ellen Murphy aged ten singing “Away in a Manger”. Many of the well-known carols are included together with carols; A Starry Night, Come and Join the Celebration and of course as in the title of the CD – O Holy Night. Mr. Colm Murphy accompanist/organist also beautifully includes instrumentals: In the Bleak Mid-Winter and O’Carolan’s Concerto.
For almost 150 years, the bell at the church of SS Peter & Paul has tolled across the picturesque village of Bessbrook in Co. Armagh, calling people to prayer and song.
On a dark November evening in 2021, that bell rang out once more with a new and special significance - a unique recording of Advent and Christmas music and song celebrating one and a half centuries of community and musical history.
O Holy Night - Kathleen Moore & St Peter & Paul Church Choir
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